
Communication majors can strategically boost career prospects by choosing the right minor. Learn more about the best minors for communication majors and how to choose the right minor for your career goals.


Adding a minor to your undergraduate degree program is a great way to supplement your education and learn important skills in a secondary industry. A minor typically consists of 18-22 credits that are focused on teaching the foundational skills and knowledge of that subject area. 

An undergraduate minor does not typically show on your diploma, 不过你的大学成绩单上也会有. 虽然不需要完成辅修课程, adding a minor strategically can boost your career prospects by helping you have the right qualifications for the job you want. 

How to Select the Right Minor for Your Communication Degree

选择辅修课程可能会令人困惑, especially when you aren’t sure what you want to do with your degree. 当你决定在你的学位轨道上增加什么辅修时, think about both your career goals and your personal interests. Adding the right minor to your degree can enhance the value of your communication degree. 

When it comes to choosing a minor for your communication major, think about maximizing your potential to work in your dream industry, 不管这是不是生意, 公共关系, 新闻, 或者电视行业. 


Here are some of the best minors to add to your communication degree. 


If you are interested in marketing, corporate communications, or entrepreneurship, a minor in 工商管理 也许是个不错的选择. You will learn the basics of business principles and operations and how to communicate well with stakeholders.


In an increasingly digital world, having a good knowledge base of 计算机科学 能在沟通的世界里帮到你吗. You’ll be able to apply your knowledge of computer algorithms, web开发, 作为精通技术的通信专家进行数据分析. 


Creative writing can help you develop your storytelling and writing abilities. A 辅修创意写作 is a great choice for communication majors that want to go into marketing, 公共关系, 和新闻. 


Communication majors that hope to work in finance or business should consider a 副修经济学. Students will learn communication strategies related to economic reporting and market research. 


An 英语小 是传播专业的热门选择吗. 小的 英语 will help you develop analytical writing skills and prepare you for a career in publishing or editing. 


Communication majors that want to work in film production or media can 辅修电影制作 获得重要的技术技能和经验. This minor will teach foundational skills in editing, screenwriting, and directing. 


A 辅修平面设计 能帮助学生学习视觉叙事的艺术吗. Graphic design minors learn about typography, principles of design, and visual media. 研究生s will have a professional portfolio prepared to show to prospective employers highlighting their skillset. 


研究 历史 can support students with the context and background of historical events. This knowledge is useful when entering fields such as 公共关系 or 新闻, 沟通专业的常见职业路径. 


新闻未成年人 learn the skills of investigative 新闻, interviewing, and ethical reporting. This minor is a great choice for students who wish to work in news media. 


Students who aspire to work in organizational communication would benefit greatly from a 辅修领导. 这门辅修课程将教学生如何领导团队, 管理项目, 并擅长跨组织沟通. 


哲学 teaches students how to articulate their thoughts and use analytical thinking skills to understand an issue. 这些技能在法律等领域很有用, 公共政策, 或者任何需要很强分析能力的职位.  


小的 政治 can give you an understanding of political systems, government, and 公共政策. This knowledge is useful for careers in government, non-profit organizations, or law. 


心理学 is the study of human behavior, which can be especially useful in communication careers. Understanding why people think and act the way they do can help you understand audience behavior and communicate well with stakeholders. 


公共关系 and communication are very relevant fields and overlap on many of the skills taught. 公共关系 has a greater focus on communication in terms of brand reputation, public events, and news. 


Students hoping to work in the television industry should consider a 辅修电视制作. Gain hands-on experience in producing and directing to complement your major and prepare you for a successful career. 

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